How I Turned My Dog's Cremation Ashes into a Black Diamond?
The day I heard of Freida’s death, I felt like I had lost a part of me. My hands shook, and my heartbeat sounded like a thundering storm ready to tear my world apart. As my dad took her away, I knew she would be gone forever at that moment. The eight years I spent with my dog felt like eight seconds. The thought that I would never see my beautiful poodle again made me cry, but thanks to EvaDear™, Freida and I will forever be together.
Holding my black buddy.
Old times are always the most beautiful but not cherished
I remember that day my dad brought this cute little poodle home. He bought the dog from a store in Berlin on his way from work as a gift for my tenth birthday. It was the best birthday gift I had ever received. My mum named her Freida because she made everyone feel at peace. Freida became my best friend and companion. Whenever I left for school, I could see the sadness in her cute little eyes.
She is always at the front door when the school bus drops me in front of the house. As I walk into the house, my lovely Frieda wags her tail and barks in excitement. Days passed and years rolled by, but Freida never ceased to bring me peace. She gave birth to other puppies, but none had the same bond I shared with my best friend.
My dog knows when I am sad or excited. She has defended me in the presence of a bully by scaring the bully away with a bark that could pass for a roar, so I thought. My little poodle was always there for me. She was loving, tender, and a companion. As she grew older, we became closer and inseparable. I always pray for her presence to be everlasting, but life continued its cycle and she passed despite my prayers.
Heartbreaking loss, but there's hope to be reborn in another form
I never knew a time would come when she would close her eyes and never return. I thought our bond would last forever, but I was wrong. She fell sick and never seemed to recover, even after countless visits to the vet. Her bones were weak, and her fur color suddenly began to change. I was told to say goodbye, but my heart couldn't stand the emotions raging within. The day my dog died, I felt like I had lost a friend, companion, and peace bringer.
She was my Freida, my poodle, and my best friend. Dad said he could get another poodle just like Freida. Mum tried to console me, but I couldn't bring myself to the reality that my beloved Freida was gone for good. It was an emotional day for my family as we all felt like we had lost a loved one. My tears were uncontrollable, and I wished she didn't have to go.
We could live forever, I cried. I couldn't let go of the sweet memories we had shared. How could I find peace within myself when the source of my peace was no more? The sweet memories we shared in those eight years felt like an eternity. My grief knew no bounds, and I felt heartache like one who had lost a close friend, but that is who she was, my close friend. I felt a glimmer of hope when I was told I could give Frieda an honorable departure and feel her presence forever with me.
I turned my dog's ashes into a black cremation diamond
I was elated when I heard about EverDear™. The thought of having a part of Frieda with me made me believe that she came to this world to give me peace. EverDear™ comforted me and told me about the entire process. I felt my grief giving birth to hope and my sadness turning to joy. My dad had initially suggested cremating my animal friend and said he had come across a company that could help preserve Frieda's memory.
EverDear™ explained that my dog's cremated ashes could be turned into a sparkling cremation diamond and I could wear it as memorial jewelry anywhere. At first, I thought I was dreaming and prayed never to wake up from that dream. But it was a reality that I would forever appreciate. My greatest fear was losing the memory of my beloved Frieda.
The best part is I get to choose the color of the diamond from seven different colors, including pink, red, blue, black, green, yellow, and colorless. I chose black because it was my dog’s favorite color. I later got to find out that EverDear™ offers more color choices than other companies. After the funeral ceremony, Frieda's cremated remains were collected, and I was anxious about the final piece. I used the EverDear™ tracking page to check the current status of my Frieda diamond (that was the name I called it).
I was curious about how my Freida diamond would be created, and I found a lot about the production process on the EverDear™ website. It involves three primary processes: Carbon Refinement, HPHT Process, and Polishing. A sparkling diamond would form with the carbon source from my pet's ashes. From personal experience, the merits of owning a piece of memorial jewelry for a keepsake far outweigh any demerits. It offers a way of reuniting with a loved one who has departed.
A black round cut cremation diamond made from Freida’s cremation ashes.
How much is it to make a cremation diamond for my dog?
From our interaction with EverDear™, we discovered that the memento price depends on the diamond's cut, color, and carat weight. Comparing the price we were given to other companies offering similar services, EverDear™ offers the best price for a bigger carat diamond. We found out about EverDear™’s price list.
How did cremation diamond help me move forward…
Although I was excited, I feared that I might be unable to move forward after the death of my precious pet. But after I received my memorial jewelry, my fear gave way to immense joy. I quickly put on the necklace and went straight to the mirror. I could see Frieda's beautiful face staring back at me with a smile that said," I will never leave you" I felt emotional and wept, but this time, it wasn't with grief or sadness but with joy in my heart.
I felt at peace with myself as I held my Frieda diamond. Frieda was never gone. I told myself she was right here and would be with me forever. I was grateful to EverDear for the opportunity to be reunited with my animal friend. Whenever I am afraid or oppressed, I put on the necklace. It makes me feel protected, as Frieda protected me from my bullies when she was alive.
Since I got the necklace, I have always worn it with pride, especially on important occasions. It is my symbol of remembrance for my sweet memories with my animal friend. If I could turn back the hands of time, I would wish that Frieda never had to leave, but with this necklace, I know she will forever remain in my heart emotionally and physically.