The Sentimental Value of Cremation Diamonds for Pets

The death of a pet is one of the struggles a pet owner experiences during one’s lifetime. We do not expect them to live longer than us since their lifespans are generally shorter, but it is still a difficult event in our life.

We have included ways to help you deal with this kind of loss, along with the idea of memorializing your departed pet animals. You can read below for more information.


Different types of pets


Our pets are a source of joy to us. Here are most of the pet animals people own.

Dogs are some of the most reliable and free-spirited animals.


As the saying goes, “dogs are a man’s best friend.” We admire their loyalty and trustworthiness. Most pet owners have regular activities they do with their dogs such walking in the park, playing Frisbee with them in their garden, giving them a bath, or simply resting in the living room.

We reminisce on the times we were training our dogs on simple tasks, feeding them their favorite food, and when they would join us on hiking activities or other exercises. There are times when the bond with form with our pet dogs is stronger than human relationships.

We even look up to them as a source of protection, especially with people who have guard dogs for pets. Pet dogs often bark at strangers because they prioritize the safety of their owners. There are even stories of dogs saving human lives during calamities and accidents.

Studies have shown that owning dogs brings positive benefits to us. Walking with your pet dog is a form of exercise which is good for our health. This can result to lighter weight, less health complications, and fewer visits to your doctor. Being in the company of canines can also improve your cardiovascular health (fewer heart attacks, lower cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and blood pressure).

The spontaneity of cats makes them lovable to humans.


We think of cats as intelligent, flexible, and charming creatures. Cat owners are used to their pets’ inquisitiveness and playfulness. We usually see cats sneaking in the cupboard, cuddling to their owners (or even strangers) or playing with yarn.

We are used to our cats’ funny antics whether they will suddenly pounce on your work table, eat food with you, give you presents (such as rats or other objects you haven’t seen for some time), or sleeping on your bed.

Cats are respected in different cultures, such as in ancient Egyptian, Roman, and Norse culture. Not only are they held in high regard, they are also worshipped and honored.

You may think that only dogs bring health benefits to their pet owners, but there are reasons why cats are good for you too! Research shows that cats can improve the social skills of autistic children. Their purring is also reported to aid in healing bones, muscles, and tendons. Scientists have discovered that the frequency of 18 to 35 Hz is crucial in healing bones and muscles. This would be extremely helpful to people who are experiencing bone and muscle injuries.

Horses are fierce and freedom-loving animals.


Horses are normally seen as fixtures on the race track, but that is not the only reason they are prized. Our pet horses give us a sense of freedom and make us feel powerful, especially when galloping at the wide fields near your country home.

We remember the times when our pet horses are still ponies. We would train them to jump on horse obstacles, and these would get higher and higher until they are fully-grown. We would give them their favorite treats like apples and carrots, although grass, grains, and clean water are the most important for them.

Horses are steadfast creatures and have been used to transport people and goods since the ancient times. They are also used in warfare and sports. There were many legends surrounding the origin of horses, one of which was in Greek mythology.

Our small pet animals can brighten our days.


There are pet owners who have other small animals such as birds, rodents, insects, or other small creatures. For most people, their small sizes do not make them any less valuable than other pets. What matters is the joy they can bring us.

Birds are some of the most popular types of small pets. They are often associated with freedom, knowledge, and peace.

Most pet birds eat seeds and grains, although some of them eat insects too. If you have ducks or geese as pets, they usually eat aquatic plants and animals. There are also specialized bird feeds available in groceries or other food stores for your pets.

Oftentimes, they would make tweeting noises or imitate voices (in the case of parrots). They are fun creatures to be with, and their habits give us comfort.

Hamsters are known for their cute appearances and sweet disposition. These characteristics make them the ideal pets for children.

Hamsters normally eat small pieces of apples, cucumbers, cauliflowers, pears, and carrots. They need exercise to stay fit, so an exercise wheel of adequate size would be perfect for them.

You may have other types of small animals for pets like insects, fishes, or other small creatures. The most important thing is the enjoyment we get from taking care of them.

How to cope with the loss of pets


Most of us think of our pets as family members, so it is normal to feel shock, anger, and sadness over the death of a pet.

We have different ways of coping once this tragic event happens to us. Our personalities, the length of time the pet was with us, and other factors may affect how we grieve for them. The pain we experience is more intense if our pet has been with us for a long time because the bond is stronger. There was the sense of familiarity that will disappear because our pet is no longer with us.

It is also harder for you if you consider your pet as a long-time companion. If your pet was someone who assists you in daily tasks or therapy sessions, it can be difficult too since you lost a supportive pet that was always there for you.

Don’t ignore the pain of losing a pet.


Dealing with the death of a beloved pet is better than keeping your feelings and pretending everything is okay. Facing this situation may even help your well-being.


Grieving for your pet should not be rushed.


Pets are a significant part of our lives, so it is best to remember and cherish all the experiences we had with them. There is no specific length of time to be done with grieving. This process might take weeks, months, or even years for pet owners. Mourning should be done gradually, because things might become more difficult for you if you rushed the grieving process.


Talk to someone about your pet.


There are people who feel better if they talk about their problems with someone else. Talking about your pet with a family member or a friend may greatly help matters.


Write things about your pet.


There are people who find it easier to cope with grief by writing about their feelings, insights, and thoughts on the loss of a beloved pet. Keeping a diary and including pictures of your pet may help you feel less sad. This process will help you remember all the great experiences you had with your pet. Writing these things may even be therapeutic for some people.


Say goodbye to your pet.


It is important to say goodbye to your pet because it will help you move on faster from the grieving process. There are some pet owners who feel guilty owning a new pet if they were not able to say goodbye to their departed pet. Doing so may even give you a sense of closure.

Memorialize your beloved pet.


Pet owners can do whatever they please when it comes to memorializing their pet. It may be through organizing a pet funeral to honor them. You can decide between burying your pet or have the body go through pet cremation.

If you chose pet cremation, your pet’s ashes are entirely at your disposal. You can do whatever you wish with them, such as turning the cremated pet ashes into a painting or transforming the ashes into a tree. There are numerous other ideas you can follow on what to do with cremated pet ashes, one of which is turning pet ashes into cremation diamonds.

Ever Dear™️ makes cremation diamonds from pet ashes.


Most people would balk at the idea of turning pet ashes into diamonds. Some might even wonder if it is possible to do such a thing.

The important thing to remember is that diamonds are made from highly-organized carbon. This same element is present in the cremains of humans and animals. Carbon is the main ingredient needed to create diamonds from cremated pet ashes.

Ever Dear™️. is a US-based company that can create cremation diamonds from pet ashes. Here are our three main steps:

  • Carbon extraction and refinement of cremated pet ashes

  • Formation of pet cremation diamonds

  • Cutting and polishing of cremation diamonds for pets

Carbon extraction and refinement of cremated pet ashes.


To turn pet ashes into diamonds, we have to first extract carbon from the cremation ashes and/or hair of your pet. To make one pet cremation diamond, we will need 100 grams of pet cremation ashes. If you would prefer to submit your pet’s hair, we will require 2 grams of pet hair. On the other hand, you can opt to send us both pet cremation ashes and hair if you like. We will need 50 grams of cremated pet ashes and 1 gram of pet hair.

Your pet ashes and hair exposed to extreme heat in a vacuum environment. Next, they are purified further by hand. The color of your cremation diamonds from pet ashes will depend on the kind of purification process that will be applied. The chemical composition of your pets also plays a role in the color of your diamonds from cremated pet ashes.


Formation of pet cremation diamonds


The carbon from your pet ashes and hair is subjected to high pressure and high temperature (HPHT). The same thing happens for natural diamonds created under the Earth’s surface.

Ever Dear™️ uses a belt press that will simulate the natural environment of natural diamonds. We will place a diamond seed in the inner core cube at the bottom of the belt press. After that, a temperature of more than 2,000 degrees Celsius is set. This extremely high temperature will melt the catalyst metal and dissolve the carbon source. A crystallization process will take place afterwards, and will result to the formation of raw cremation diamonds from pet ashes.

Cutting and polishing of cremation diamonds for pets.


We may now have pet cremation diamonds in our hands, but their true beauty is not yet displayed for the world to see. These cremation diamonds for pets are still raw and uncut when brought out of the belt press.

It is necessary to place the crosswork on these pet cremation diamonds to bring out their brilliance. This is done through designing the main facets for these cremation diamonds from pet ashes. This will result to the best angles, high clarity, and maximum weight of these pet cremation diamonds.

Once the initial crosswork is finished, we have to polish the facets on these diamonds from cremated pet ashes. After that, the next step would be to smooth the final facets to make the pet cremation diamonds sparkle even more.

We use state-of-the-art technology in turning pet ashes into diamonds. This allows us to give you high-quality services in terms of memorializing your beloved pets.

Cremation diamonds from dog ashes

There are pet owners who love their pet dogs more than any other person in their life. This is often the case when the dog has always been with them for many years. Losing them may be similar to losing a family member.

Turning their ashes into dog cremation diamonds is a meaningful way of remembering their lives. Cremation diamonds from dog ashes will last forever, just like your love for them.


Cremation diamonds from cat ashes

The death of a beloved pet cat is always a sad event for any pet owner. There are countless ways you can do to show how much your pet cat means to you.

One great way is to transform the ashes into cat cremation diamonds. In this way, your cats are turned into resilient memorial pieces. This is a special and extraordinary way to celebrate the life of your pet cat.


Cremation diamonds from horse ashes

It is really sad to see our beloved pet horses pass away since they are linked to strength and power. You can opt to turn horse ashes into cremation diamonds as a way to treasure your memories of them. This is an exceptional way to celebrate their lives, and to give them fulfilling tribute that will last for the years to come.


Cremation diamonds from small pet ashes

Size does not matter when it comes to our pets. This is why memorializing them should not be just a mere afterthought. You can transform your small pets’ ashes into cremation diamonds as a way to cope with their loss. Doing so will enable you to be with them whenever you please.

The authenticity of cremation diamonds from pet ashes

We know that some might be having second thoughts on turning pet ashes into diamonds. There may be doubts regarding the authenticity of these cremation diamonds. You might even wonder if the cremation diamond you received came from the ashes of your dearest pet.

To assure you that you own real diamonds, you will receive a certificate of authenticity (made by the Gemological Institute of America or GIA) from Ever Dear™️ every time you purchase cremation diamonds from pet ashes. This certifies the following:

  • The carbon source of the pet cremation diamond

  • The 4Cs for diamond grading (color, carat weight, cut, and clarity)

  • The setting material used

Ever Dear™️’s pet ashes to diamonds cost


We are proud to say that Ever Dear™️ offers the cheapest, most competitive prices in the pet cremation diamond market! The starting price for our pet cremation diamonds is only $895. There are some reasons why we are able to still make high-quality cremation diamonds from pet ashes without the steep prices.

As mentioned previously, we use advanced technology in making diamonds from cremated pet ashes. We do not outsource any business activities to avoid additional costs and ensure confidentiality.

Ever Dear™️ does not have affiliations with third-party organizations. All transactions are between us and our customers. This is one of the main reasons why our prices for pet ashes to diamonds are lower than our competitors. You do not have to shoulder the commissions of third-party agents and distributors. The transaction time is also reduced.

The production costs we are able to save results to low pet ashes to diamonds cost. Customer satisfaction is extremely important to us, so we are doing everything we can to give you the best value for your money.

Ever Dear™️ crafts pet cremation jewelry.


Our pets do not only get to be transformed into cremation diamonds from pet ashes, we can turn them into cremation jewelry as well! Ever Dear™️ has several designs on pet cremation jewelry that you can choose from.  We have cremation rings, cremation pendants, cremation earrings, and cremation bracelets.

Ever Dear™️’s pet cremation jewelry can be worn on any occasion. You may wear them during your birthdays so that it would feel like your pet is still celebrating with you. You can also wear them on simple days when you just miss them.

To help you make a decision on pet cremation jewelry, here are the following options:

  • Turn cremated pet ashes into pet cremation rings. – The round shape of rings signifies eternal love and affection. Turning your pets into cremation rings is a way of showing everyone that your pets have played a huge role in your life and that they will not be forgotten.

  • Turn cremated pet ashes into pet cremation pendants. – Pet cremation pendants are another beautiful piece of cremation jewelry. They are normally worn as necklaces, close to the heart. Turning your pets’ ashes into cremation pendants is a way of saying that you always treasure your pets and that they are always in your heart.

  • Turn cremated pet ashes into pet cremation earrings. – Turning your pets’ ashes into cremation earrings for pets is another great option. We have simple cremation earring designs that highlight your pet cremation diamonds instead of an earring design filled with numerous gemstones.

  • Turn cremated pet ashes into pet cremation bracelets. – Bracelets are one of the most common types of jewelry, and wearing a cremation bracelet from your pets’ ashes makes it perfect for any event you will go to.

All of our pet cremation jewelry pieces are made of precious and durable materials. We want your cremation jewelry for pets to last just like your love for them. You can also choose from different types of jewelry settings we have to further customize your pet cremation jewelry.

  • Prong setting

  • Halo setting

  • Bezel setting

  • Pave setting

  • Tension setting

Ever Dear™️’s prices of cremation jewelry for pets

We have been accustomed to seeing expensive jewelry pieces in boutiques. With Ever Dear™️., you can own cremation jewelry for pets at affordable prices.

The average price range for our pet cremation jewelry is only $800 to $1,200. Again, we offer the most competitive prices on cremation jewelry for pets. We adhere to the belief that dedicating a timeless piece of remembrance jewelry does not have to be expensive or unattainable.

Cremation diamonds for pets are everlasting in your love and adoration for them.

There are different options for people to have as pets – you can own and take care of dogs, cats, horses, birds, rodents, or other animals of your choice. This may depend on your personality and ability to take care of that animal.

The death of a pet animal is one of the most unfortunate things to happen in a pet owner’s life, especially when that pet has become a family member.

There are many ways to cope with the loss, and one of these is to memorialize your pet.

Turning cremated pet ashes into diamonds is a delightful way to honor them. Your pet’s ashes go through carbon refinement, the formation of pet cremation diamonds, and the cutting and polishing of these cremation diamonds.

Ever Dear™️’s cremation diamonds from pet ashes are certified genuine and have the best prices in the market. You can either have it loose or mounted on cremation jewelry for pets.

Transforming cremated pet ashes into diamonds is a captivating way to eternalize their memories. To start the process of ordering pet cremation diamonds, please do not hesitate to contact us through the Ever Dear™️ website.


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